
Tank! is a game inspired by the Tanks minigame in Wii Play, independently develeopd in 10 days during March 2023. Building the gameplay features for this game allowed me to refine, and refactor some of the game-agnostic core systems I created for Kario Kart and Descension.

Some key development accomplishments include:

In the future, I would love to add 2 player online mulitplayer. I think that both co-op and deathmatch gamemodes would be well-suited for the gameplay systems, and it would be a really fun challenge. Theres also a lot of room for visual improvements to the game, such as better explosions, tank trails, and environment assets. The game is also completely lacking audio, which would add a lot to the presentation, but I deemed wasn't a priority.

Tools and Technologies:

For Windows and Mac downloads of the current build, please visit the Tank! itch.io page. You can also view the source code on GitHub.